30 days ago, I challenged myself to write daily on LinkedIn.
I did it because I always feared writing.
I also wanted to grow my audience and nurture my current audience.
And here’s how writing comes into play.
I’ve always been attracted to writing but never went full-on with it.
But at the beginning of this year, I committed myself to delivering more content through writing than I ever did.
Here’s what I learned in the last 30 days.
I love writing more than I thought
There are many reasons I’m taking the challenge of improving my writing.
But like any other thing I create, I do it for myself.
It helps me structure how I think and express myself to the world and empowers me to share my message, expertise, and what I learn.
Even though I need time and practice to improve my writing, sharing my ideas with the world feels amazing.
At this point, I don’t know why I didn’t do it earlier.
Today, you can share whatever you want and what resonates with you on social media.
For me, as a creative entrepreneur is about sharing how I see the world and what I’m learning through my experiences.
That’s the most powerful thing I have to offer to my audience.
Hello, impostor syndrome. I know you!
Impostor syndrome kicks in only when you focus on what you think you don’t know rather than what you know.
Of course, it showed up when I wanted to write.
But it also showed up several times in my adult life.
Looking back at the moment I started teaching yoga and allowing myself to be in front of people sharing what I love was challenging.
I wanted to run, but instead, I chose to stay, feel what showed up, and prove to myself that I belonged to be there.
Was my teaching where it’s today?
No way, it was far away from where I am standing today.
But it only gets better with time and practice.
So, I’m using the same strategy in the game of writing.
I’m ready to sit with it, embrace it, let it challenge me, and take me out of my comfort zone to learn and grow.
Intention + action + consistency = confidence
That’s the formula that I needed to put my plan into action.
Intention: to write daily to nurture and grow my audience through writing.
Action: Write in the first 2–3 hours of the day. That’s the best time of the day for me. I planned days only for putting down ideas, days for writing, and days for editing.
Consistency: showing up daily for what I said I would do.
Now, that’s the ideal plan.
It didn’t work as I laid it out, but somehow I anticipated this one.
I resisted keeping up with my plan because it forced me to change my schedule.
Imperfect as it was, I showed up and didn’t beat myself up for it.
I know it’s a good plan, but I need more time to adjust.
The best part of moving through resistance was empowering me to continue my work.
I didn’t see that coming, but it felt good.
Here’s what happened:
I’m showing you the screenshot from my LinkedIn page because I can draw one conclusion.
When there’s action things are moving.
Creating content is fun
At first, I didn’t know if I had it to do this challenge.
It took me 14 days to shout out on social media that I’m taking this experiment and documenting it.
I tried three things when it comes to creating content:
- Repurposing content. If you know me from Instagram, you know most of my captions are long texts. I don’t know how many people read them and how to calculate their impact, but they’re a big deal to me. I see writing them as micro-blogging. I used the most popular posts on Instagram and transformed them into the LinkedIn format.
- I used writing templates. Most big creators use templates, so I had to try them. I can tell you they make life easier. They help you express one idea in several ways — every creator’s dream.
- When inspiration strikes. Well, that’s a tricky option, and I wouldn’t rely on it too much. But I also had moments (thank God for savasana) when ideas came, so I wrote them down as fast as I could and edit later.
“I write only when inspiration strikes. Fortunately it strikes every morning at nine o’clock sharp.” ― W. Somerset Maugham
Tasks become easier if you deal with your emotions
Once again, I saw the importance of allowing myself to sit and understand my emotions.
Of course, I had days when I wanted to skip writing new articles, creating content, and sharing them on social media.
So I stopped to listen and name the emotion.
Then I listened to my inner dialogue to understand what’s the thought that was generating the emotion.
Understanding them, I made a plan of how to come back.
When the reason for not showing up to write was that I didn’t have any ideas, I leaned into picking up one of my ideas and using one of the templates to share it.
When my mind ran all over the place, I took a break and meditated for 15 minutes, walked, or did yoga to get grounded and shift my perspective.
But I stayed to play the long game.
I’m glad I did.
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