
4 Mistakes I Made That Ruined My Productivity

4 Mistakes I Made That Ruined My Productivity, But You Shouldn't
I'm Alexandra!

I'm many things: entrepreneur, founder Mpower Yoga, yoga teacher, mentor, mindset, and productivity coach.
I write about personal growth and entrepreneurship. Glad you're here!

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How to upgrade your mindset for the next level of your life.

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Systems and tools for a productive life and business.

Routines to help you create time, space, and energy.

How to run your business with fun, ease, and joy.

When I started my entrepreneurial journey, I wanted to work with people and have more time to enjoy my life.

From where I’m standing today, I know my work impacts other people’s lives, and it feels good.

But having more time to enjoy my life has been a journey of learning about myself and how I want my life to look.

I’ve had to look closer at how I approach my business and how it impacts my life.

That’s where I’ve started to look at my habits, how I approach my work, and where I’m unproductive.

I’ve made many mistakes, but you shouldn’t.


1. I was reactive instead of proactive

Thinking you can always be available for whatever shows up is a lie.

As an entrepreneur, my job is to solve problems. So I had to be available for everything that showed up.

I thought I could solve things as they showed up. Replying to emails, WhatsApp, or doing whatever I was in the “mood” to do.

Big mistake.

Well, it didn’t lead me far because I felt drained and frustrated at the end of the day.

Tip: Plan your day and start with what’s most important.


2. I wanted to get it all done.

Thinking you can fit it all in is a lie.

It happened thinking everything had the same importance.

It’s unrealistic to think you can fit it all in.

It only made me work under pressure which is not fun, and at the end of the day, I felt guilty for not completing more tasks.

Tip: Focus on prioritizing what’s important (your 20%) and run everything through a goal filter. Another great way is to make a not-to-do list (things you’ll not approach during the day, no matter what).


3. I was doing everything at the same time

Multitasking is a lie.

You can’t imagine how fast I can move from tab to tab on my laptop until it depletes me of energy. Of course, you can multitask, but it’s impossible to do it effectively.

Let’s be honest.

Only a computer can run multiple tasks at the same time. For humans is confusing and overwhelming.

Tip: Focus on time-blocking and batching your most important tasks.


4. I had no structure

Habits are boring (or the enemy) is a lie.

The lack of structure was one of my biggest mistakes, mostly because I didn’t have clarity about my life and business goals.

I started accomplishing more when I started focusing on the following:

  • What brings actual results — my most important tasks.
  • Being strategic — blocking time and acting on my most important tasks.

That’s how a sense of clarity has replaced anxiety and being overwhelmed.

Tip: Focus on tracking your habits and results.


Take Away

If you want to be a highly effective person, focus on the following:

  • Planning your day for and starting with what’s most important.
  • Focus on your most important 20% of tasks and run things through a goal filter.
  • Time-block and batch your most important tasks.
  • Use structure and habits to create freedom.

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multi-passionate person, ENNEAGRAM 8, CHRONIC hyper-ACHIEVER, oat latte lover. 

Hi, I'm Alexandra.
Your Yoga Teacher & Business Coach.

I'm a bit of everything: an entrepreneur, the founder of Mpower Yoga, a yoga teacher, a mentor, and a business coach. My mission is simple: I’m helping multi-passionate, creative entrepreneurs build thriving businesses that are matching their style and personality. I'm here to help you break free from those limiting beliefs, teach you simple and effective business strategies, reach your goals, and enjoy the journey to creating an empowered life you're head over heels in love with.

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    © Alexandra Negulescu

    For the multi-passionate, ambitious, creative entrepreneurs.