
Meditation For Beginners: 11 Tips to Start a Regular Practice

Meditation for beginners: 11 tips to start a regular practice
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Meditation, at its best, is relaxing and effortless, but it can also be challenging when you’re just a beginner.

Meditation has been my thing for a couple of years now. It helped me become more calm and grounded and to start my day more appreciatively.

I won’t say it’s easy because it is not. You get better at it the more you practice. That’s why it is called a practice.

These tips will help you start a meditation practice and keep going.

  1. Start small by sitting for 5 minutes, and then increase the time by adding a few more extra minutes.
  2. Do it in the morning. I say this because if you do it in the morning, before your to-do list, it will give you energy, and you’ll start your day more mindfully. If you’re not a morning person, try to do the practice at the same time every day, making sure it becomes a habit.
  3. Check the way you feel. After settling into your meditation position, start by acknowledging how you feel. How is your mind? Busy? Tired? Anxious? Whatever you’re feeling, know it’s okay to feel what you feel. This is the reason you’re there. Then breathe into that feeling.
  4. Do a body scan. Notice how you feel within your body. What sensations are there in your legs? Do you feel your face or your toes? This will keep you connected to your body.
  5. Count the breaths. Meditation does involve focusing on the breath. Making sure you don’t get attached to it is the key. Allow things to unfold naturally, noticing the rising and falling sensation it creates in the body.
  6. Don’t get caught up in “I’m not doing it right.” By simply noticing things as they are. When you see your mind labeling, commenting, and making opinions about something, you’re judging. Just notice that, and let it go. Return your attention to your breathing.
  7. Get to know yourself. Meditation is a useful tool to get to know your mind and how it works. Just allowing yourself to see the thoughts that arise, you’ll begin to understand yourself.
  8. Try a guided meditation. Guided meditations are helpful because someone walks you through each step of the meditation. I find Headspace very helpful.
  9. Don’t try too hard. Whatever happens in your meditation session is okay. Meditation, at its best, is relaxing and effortless. So there is no real effort involved, just being consciously aware. So don’t work too hard at it.
  10. Acknowledge yourself when you’re done. Be grateful for showing up, doing the practice, and taking the time for your well-being.
  11. Commit to meditating for at least a month. This will allow you to acquire the basic skills and begin to see the real benefits it can bring.

Meditation can be challenging. Each practice is different and has much to do with how you feel that day. What is certain is that it has amazing benefits. I encourage you to start today.

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  1. Cristina says:

    Bună, Alexandra! Ca întotdeauna, articolele tale sunt foarte clare, la obiect, relaxante și, ce mai, pentru mine este o placere sa le citesc.
    Eu am început meditația după ce am citit o carte al cărei titlu mi s-a părut mult timp asa stupid, însă tot dădeam de ea pana am daramat-o efectiv de pe raft la librarie și am cumpărat-o: Călugărul care și-a vândut Ferrariul de Robin Sharma. Cartea mi-a plăcut foarte mult. Acolo te învață o meditație de 10 min prin observarea unui trandafir. Și cum aveam gradina plina de trandafiri, am tăiat unul, m-am așezat în poziție de meditație (cât de cât) și asa am început. Bineînțeles că primele dați timpul trecea foarte greu, nu reușeam nici 10 minute sa stau. Dar ideea în sine este foarte bună pentru un începător. Îți tine mintea ocupata doar pe observarea trandafirului, culoare, forma, pornind dinspre exterior, petala cu petala înspre interior. Pe mine m-a ajutat. După un timp am renunțat la trandafir, cumva am înțeles cum trebuie sa fac, sa îmi liniștesc mintea și sa îmi urmăresc respirația. Și cu multe cărți citite pe tema asta. Oricum, când vad un trandafir acum ma gândesc la perioada aceea de început și îmi da o stare foarte bună.
    ♥️ You And what you do!

    • Alexandra Negulescu says:

      Buna, Cristina. Multumesc pentru cartea recomandata si pentru ca ai impartasit povestea ta cu noi.

  2. Gabriela says:

    Mulțumesc pentru articol, e foarte clar și la obiect, mă bucur că am dat peste el. La început îmi era și mie foarte greu să meditez fără ghidare, continuu aveam impresia că fac ceva greșit, ajungeam să respir prea accelerat, nu reușeam să mă detașez. Dar perseverez și văd o evoluție în fiecare zi. Meditația ghidată de la clasele de yoga mă ajută de asemenea foarte mult.

    • Alexandra Negulescu says:

      Buna Gabriela. Ma bucur sa aud povestea ta. Ai dreptate, daca perseverezi, in timp se vad rezultatele. Nici eu nu intelegeam la inceput daca fac bine ce fac, dar am insistat pana cand am reusit sa ma relaxez.

multi-passionate person, ENNEAGRAM 8, CHRONIC hyper-ACHIEVER, oat latte lover. 

Hi, I'm Alexandra.
Your Yoga Teacher & Business Coach.

I'm a bit of everything: an entrepreneur, the founder of Mpower Yoga, a yoga teacher, a mentor, and a business coach. My mission is simple: I’m helping multi-passionate, creative entrepreneurs build thriving businesses that are matching their style and personality. I'm here to help you break free from those limiting beliefs, teach you simple and effective business strategies, reach your goals, and enjoy the journey to creating an empowered life you're head over heels in love with.

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